Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Bread God Has Given


If anyone had a right to complain, it was (and still is) the Israelites. Your chosen people that were left wandering around the desert for 40 years in Exodus. God, I don't understand. But, I pray that you can help me to be ok with not understanding. Especially with my limited brain and ability to understand. I don't understand why tragedies happen. Why good people die, and immoral people seem to thrive. I don't understand the world and all of the hatred in it. I don't understand myself most of the time. And I definitely don't understand why you didn't save Alex. 

But you are still there.

I struggle to understand You.
And your ways.

What the Bible says sometimes sounds like it's written about an old God, and one that I don't personally know. Or a God that doesn't quite fit with the world today.

I pray that you would help me to read more of your word. Help me to see how your word was then just as it is alive today. Help me to understand your word and scriptures. Help me not to doubt. Help me to trust you. Help me not to second guess all of the blessing and goodness you've provided in my life and in others around me. Lord, help me not to complain, but to notice the goodness around me.

You provided manna from heaven to the Israelites. Something brand new and unexpected, and something completely fulfilling. Lord I want to believe that you will provide manna (and may have already provided it) for my life, and I am just unaware. Help me to notice the bread that you have given and to feel your "enoughness".

 Image result for all scripture is god breathed niv

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