Saturday, May 14, 2016



It's been a while since I've truly talked to you. I know so much about you that I'm able to talk like I know you without really knowing you. Like we do with celebrities. We talk about all of their favorite things, accomplishments they've had, what they like, what they don't, yet most of us never even meet them. Lord, you have called me child, and friend. You aren't an aloof celebrity, you are someone we can really know...if we seek you.

Forgive me for not seeking you like I should. Help me to seek you. To want to know you. To crave you and time spent with you. Lord, I have had it proven time and time again that nothing brings happiness and joy, but you. I can choose to look at my circumstances and my life and try to choose joy, but if that joy doesn't involve you, it's just a cheap substitute. It doesn't matter what my life looks like on the inside or the outside if it doesn't have you at its center and its focus. Lord, help me to focus my life on you. Give me strength to get up each morning and live my life with intention. Help me to think about my actions, take captive my thoughts, and question whether my desires are something that would bring you joy.

I'm reminded of the story of the prodigal son and the celebration that his father threw when he came back to him. His father didn't stare at him from afar and utter harsh and bitter remarks under his breath, he ran to him. He met him where he was and celebrated his return to him. When I think of returning to God and how I've wasted precious time on my own self, I am filled with guilt, shame, and regret. But God isn't. He isn't filled with disgust for me. He is happy to see me. Glad of my return. He meets with me where I am and gives me the best robe for I am His child. Even when I am not deserving (which, let's be honest, is all of the time), he loves me.

What grace. I can't even fathom his grace and love for me. For us.

God, I thank you for your grace. Thank you for loving me while I was a sinner and for welcoming me home with open arms. I pray that you would help me to do better in the future. To ignore my flesh and to run to you. Help my desires to be of those things that would bring you joy and pleasure. Thins that are of you and not of this world. You are so worthy.

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